There is always a lot to do about who did what and who is right and who is wrong. Then there are calls to investigate, but investigating always means investigating Israel. If that has to happen then this is how I think it should happen:
First there should be an investigative body with authority. The UN won't cut it unfortunately because there are serious doubts about the neutrality of the UN and there are even reasons to assume they are Antisemitic so a new separate neutral body needs to be set up.
The members of this body would have to be vetted and should neither Jewish nor Muslim for obvious reasons of neutrality. Nor should they have taken a position in the past on the Israeli - Islamist conflict.
If the body is neutral and the members are vetted for neutrality, there should be cooperation from Israel. They should be expected to cooperate and personally I see no reason why they would not cooperate if they are assured of an un-biased investigation (which is not the same as an "UN-biased" investigation).
The large international main stream media must agree before the investigation starts to accurately report on the findings of the report, or the investigation will not start. The MSM must declare the total air time, including time slots per country they will spend on the findings. They must enter a binding contractual obligation not to deviate from these declared time slots or the investigation will not start.
The MSM should be monitored (they all have "compliance recorders" for commercial contracts so that is real easy) for compliance and punitive measures should be imposed for non-compliance
There should be consequences, so if war crimes are committed then an indictment in The Hague should follow.
However (!) if on the other hand no war crimes are found, then this should be on the record for the whole world to see (to swallow, I would say). This should be then a prime time multiple repeat feature in the main stream media similar to the air time given to a dead Palestinian girls body being man handled by a shouting crowd running around on the rubble of what used to be an apartment block (before it became a Hamas command center and rocket launch facility and had to be destroyed by the IDF to fulfill their obligation of protecting their own population).
Also if it turns out that the IDF has exceeded their obligation of protecting the innocents, that must go on the record for the world to see and be informed about.
Recommendations have to be made to update the Geneva convention to include what apparently is possible for Israel to do and therefore must also be done by other countries at war.
Recommendations must be made to update the Geneva conventions for regular armies on how to fight an asymmetrical war. The rules of engagement are written only for a symmetrical war, this is an almost obsolete scenario in modern warfare. It is a farce that terror organizations can claim the moral high-ground based on outdated conventions.
Now that would be an investigation!!
part 2: Should we investigate Hamas as well?
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